June 10, 2009

James Malaysia Adventure

James had his Malaysia adventure when he was 1 year old. We took a train going there and had stop over at Pedang Besar for stamp visa. Then from pedang besar going to butterworth station.
It took us 18 hrs. of travel
from bangkok walampong station going to butterworth station. Oooooohhhhh............soooooooo tiring!!!

And then we rode on a ferry boat, get off at Penang, malaysia.

This time James had his Pizza hut dinner with his cousins, tito, tita and lolo Paeng @Queensland Mall Penang, Malaysia.

It was a bright saturday morning, James went on walking at the park with his lolo paeng, cousins Zoe and Naome.

James first beach swimming @Batu Ferringi. Well, it seems like James really like to be in the water. He looks very happy in his first beach adventure.

James playing time on the sand...alone...just looking at his ate zoe and ate Yumi having fun on the water, his done with the water and now it's time for the sand.

James is a bit bored now, nothing to do... just out of curiosity from the sand going in to the basket. Relaxing time for James....instead on the bed he had it in the basket and as you can see on his face, he is quite comfortable with it. So, how does it feels like to be in the basket James?

During christmas day, james recieved a gift from his tito and tita, a shirt with his name on it.

This time James went for a tour at Botanical Garden Penang, Malaysia. He was very happy to see lots of monkeys inside the garden.

We took a photo at the map of Botanical Garden, so that James will not forget his adventure in this beautiful and huge garden.

A day at "Youth park" penang, Malaysia. In this park a lot of people comes for picnic and reacreation and mostly families. It's A huge park with all the facilities such as; playground ( swing, slide, monkey bars, etc.) swimming pool, etc., James had a nice family day here.

James had his first slide at "YOuth park" he really had fun on slide as he does it again and again while his tita tudth and tita lyn are there to guide him.

James is really savoring every single moment of it especially when he had his first slide. Atleast he is now satisfied with his curiosity of what is the feeling to be on the slide. And he is very condifent playing on the slide now.... and he does it again and again.......till he gets tired....its tiresome but it's a wonderful day to remember!!!
James got a reward after finding this huge blue egg at the park. Nice adventure James @Youth Park, penang Malaysia.

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